Mary, a realtor based in San Diego, California, was struggling to keep up with the demands of her growing client base. Her real estate business had expanded rapidly, and she found herself overwhelmed with administrative tasks, leaving little time for actual client interaction. Mary was particularly challenged with managing her social media presence, setting up client appointments, and maintaining consistent communication with her leads. Despite her best efforts, she was missing out on potential deals because she couldn’t manage everything on her own.


  1. Inconsistent Social Media Presence: Mary had little time to create content, resulting in an inconsistent and uninspiring social media presence. Her engagement rates were low, and she wasn’t reaching her target audience effectively.
  2. Overloaded with Administrative Tasks: Setting up appointments, responding to emails, and managing her calendar were consuming most of Mary’s time. She struggled to prioritize tasks, and important opportunities were slipping through the cracks.
  3. Ineffective Email Marketing: Although Mary had a sizable email list, she rarely sent out newsletters or marketing emails due to time constraints. This meant she was missing out on a valuable channel for nurturing leads and converting them into clients.

Our Approach: To address Mary’s challenges, we started by providing her with a dedicated Virtual Assistant from our Premium Plan. We customized her service package to include intensive social media management, appointment setting, and email marketing.

  1. Social Media Revamp: Our VA took over Mary’s social media accounts, creating a consistent posting schedule with a mix of engaging content—ranging from property showcases to market tips. We also designed eye-catching graphics that aligned with her brand. Over time, we developed a content calendar that included weekly posts, stories, and even live video sessions.
  2. Streamlined Appointment Setting: The VA managed Mary’s calendar, ensuring that all appointments were set up efficiently, with reminders sent out to both Mary and her clients. This freed up Mary’s time, allowing her to focus on client interactions rather than the logistics of scheduling.
  3. Targeted Email Marketing Campaigns: We launched a series of email marketing campaigns targeting different segments of Mary’s list—potential buyers, sellers, and past clients. Each campaign was carefully crafted with personalized content that resonated with the specific needs of each segment. The VA also tracked the performance of these campaigns, providing Mary with detailed reports on open rates, click-through rates, and conversions.

Results: Within six months, Mary’s business saw a dramatic transformation:

By leveraging our VA services, Mary was able to reclaim her time and energy, focusing on what she does best—building relationships and closing deals. The comprehensive support provided by our VA not only helped her manage her day-to-day tasks but also elevated her business to new heights, turning her struggles into a success story.